
Epsxe Save Location

Memory cards

ePSXe also comes along with memory card support. The used cards are saved in 2 files in your memcards directory. The first one is named epsxe000.mcr and the second one epsxe001.mcr. Each file has a size of 128 KB (which is PSX standard), and the format is simply a dump of real memory cards.
ePSXe doesn't come with a memory card editor, but you can use the option Load -> Run BIOS to get to the real PSX memory card editor, from where you can delete / move savegames. In case you're using Pete's OpenGL / D3D plugins, don't forget to enable offscreen rendering to see this menu correctly.
Starting with version 1.0.1, ePSXe includes a memory card file selector, so you can select which file you want to use in which slot. ePSXe also has support for different memory card file supports, like Dexdrive (.gme), PSEmu Pro (.mc) and several others.
When you'd like to edit your cards, you'll be able to find several tools in the NGEmu's ePSXe download area !
Save States

Starting with version 1.2.0, ePSXe has save state support. While an improovement has been made for version 1.4.0 (savestate pic support), the format didn't change. Starting with version 1.5.0, you'll need to run ePSXe using the -ssv0 option if you want ePSXe to create save states in the old format - otherwise you won't need this option.

Capturing a state: To capture a save state go to Run Save State and choose any of the 5 slots. These slots are reserved to allow you to save up to 5 different save states. Upon selecting a save slot, ePSXe will immediately return to the game. The keyboard shortcut for saving states is F1 to save in Slot 1. Google just lead me to outdated discussions that avoided the question, and went on talking about other, non-enhanced emulators, unlike the OP in this thread about SNES9x and ZSNES, which summed up differences perfectly I know they're both use the PSEmu Pro architecture and ePSXe, PCSX-R, and PCSX2 plug-ins are compatible with each other (for a matter of fact i use Pokopom in ePSXe) I've been. A video tutorial about how to use PlayStation 1.mcr memory card game save files with ePSXe. You can download game saves for popular PlayStation 1 RPGs from.

Epsxe Save State Editor

What is a save state ?
A save state is an exact copy of the memory ePSXe uses (and therefor the PSX would use), which allows you to save your exact position in the game - unlike memory cards, which only allow you to save when the programmers actually want you to. Advantages are obvious, as you can save before a difficult place so you won't have to replay lots of stuff just to get back to that point.
A save state usually has a size between 1 and 3 MB (and that's already compressed!) depending on the stuff which has been in memory when you saved and, of course, the game itself.

How to use save states:
Of course you don't have to use ePSXe's menu all the time (see: The GUI ), ePSXe has some shortcuts which make it easier to manage your states. Just use the following keys :

F1 = Save the game to the selected slot

Epsxe Save Load

F2 = Switch one slot higher (max. 5 slots are available)

Epsxe Save State Hotkey

F3 = Load the game from the selected slot

Epsxe Save Slots

Most GPU plugins also are able to display the currently selected slot on their 'on the fly' menues. You can usually activate these with the 'Del' key. For further infos, refer to the plugins readme.